No one would deny that the first two years of the new decade 2020, have turned our lives upside down in one fashion or another. Loss, grief, fear, divisiveness, confusion, and a list of adjectives too long to list here. Less focus on the positive, than the solicitous negative headlines dictating our moods. EXHAUSTED could be the rubber stamp for the repeated drumming theme woven through the last two years. So now we are within a couple days of the New Year, can we enter the New Year with a new game face? Perhaps one of Hope, Patriotism, Positivity, Unity, Respect and Peace? We can’t rewind the past, but we do have some power in what unfolds in the future. The past is what it is .. History. Gone. Over. We may have been victimized, but is the banner “Victim” where we want to reside hereafter? Empowerment by an inner force, insists we take personal responsibility and the appropriate action to move forward. We can carve a new path, feel a sense of purpose, accomplishment and joy.