Special Edition: Alisa’s True Colors

Alisa Marie will be joining Kim for this Special Edition Episode of Recovery Now! Jimmy will be back in 2 weeks 🙂 Alisa is a MULTI Survivor, who will share her experience, strength, challenges, and hope with us.

She has not only survived Brain Injury, but as the years have passed, so much more. Recently I posted about the Monsanto/RoundUp Suits, and then saw her intriguing post about MRI Contrast Dye (Gadolinium) and the scary prospects associated with that! Lots of scans needed in our community, so I invited her to tell us more. That, and how someone who has been so much, can still land on her feet. Many survivors (not without challenges, sweat equity & time/imagination), go on to create their own business. Long as we’re breathing, there’s always hope! See: alisastruecolors.com and be inspired 🙂 Special Surprise in time for the 4th!

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