Handle with LoVe and Greg Costa

Greg Costa resides in the in-between of chaos and order, sin and salvation, joy and pain. Five years ago, he suffered a TBI, which like with many of us, changed his life forever. As an author, keynote speaker and inspirationalist he moves the room of any event he attends with his testimony of faith, his story of trial and tribulation, and is a true underdog hero. As a minister, it is hard not to feel the Holy Spirit when Greg speaks about life, and the word of Christ. He strives to carry out his mission through the work and outreach benefiting the lives of those less fortunate, and those with physical and developmental disabilities. He is truly staring adversity in the face through his ministry, Mark of Christ. Greg also works as a TBI Care Advocate, Mentor & Consultant. See www.gregcosta.net and For apparel and resources it is lovemyTBI.com

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