How K9 Spirit Guides Transform Our Lives

You thought your dog was here just to be your loving support and joyful playmate! Bet your pup is potentially much more than that according to Heather Leigh Strom. Your pet could be the physical conduit for your K9 Spirit Guide! In her groundbreaking book K9 Spirit Guides: The Healing Power of Man’s Best Friend, Heather Leigh reveals that these unique spiritual energies are here to guide us on OUR journeys of healing, growth, wisdom, transformation, spiritual evolution and ascendency. And the ones that choose to enter your life through your pet are divinely matched to you to teach you what your soul is calling to learn. Heather Leigh would only discover this for herself after having passed through decades of a deeply difficult life, beginning with a verbally abusive and emotionally absent father, then poverty, crippling accidents, loss and more. Fueled by sheer willful determination, pain and repressed rage, she created three highly successful careers, in dog training, physical therapy and cycling. Heather Leigh Strom shares how her canine companions came to her with specific gifts at specific times to move her toward healing and a joyful life. She has become the channel through which the K9 Spirit Guides are bringing their messages and frequency of healing to all of us. See: &

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