After a month away, Kim is back LIVE with her co-host Simon Lewis (gone much longer) for not only Hump Day, but tonight Wicked Wednesday! Fall is upon us – Change. Halloween is around the corner – Masks. The hosts have been fighting difficult health challenges, but bravely crawl back to the Mic tonight. We invite YOU to call in and join us! We invite you to test drive your Halloween Costume for the show! Call and disclose what your costume is, and why you selected it. Play the game of the worst Halloween movies ever made .. And share your favorites. The world in turmoil (AGAIN) .. Seems relentless globally, and personally the past few years, and it’s not headed the right direction now. While a shadow is cast that “Something Wicked This Way Comes” .. Let’s volley some serious – (our fears), and some fun (our survival).