Why They Stay: Sex Scandals, Deals, and Hidden Agenda of Eight Political Wives By Anne Michaud Why Do Good Women Stay with Bad Men? Are Political Wives Just as Calculating as Their Infamous Husbands? As a leading political reporter for the Wall Street Journal, Anne Michaud covered Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign, Anthony Weiner’s 2005 mayoral bid and Eliot Spitzer’s rise and fall as New York’s governor from 2006 to 2008. Few folks have had the front row seat to the spectacular fall from grace of these politicians and the women who endured the cataclysm with them. Which got her wondering–as so many of us have–why did most of these women stick it out–or stay for as long as they did? Were they simply doing the Stand By Your Man blues, or did they have other motivations? The book is the result of her musings and her deeply researched and fascinating analysis.