A couple of weeks ago I was going to discuss a twist on this topic, but the first half of that show was on the quickly changing COVID information, rules and resources. That ended up taking the whole show! The last “Simon Says” installment, has some great information on the vaccines, the virus and the future. CoHost Caren and I decided this is an even better time in spring to discuss hope and change, renewal and new beginnings! The end of March, though officially spring, easn’t quite feeling it for mid-westerners Caren and I. Long winter … Reframing our thinking and positive psychology are just some of the ways we can navigate the course of life, much more smoothly. By now we are seeing signs of color and new life. We can make this time to enjoy getting back outside, and some attitude adjustment. Join us for this productive and interesting discussion! Both of my books are on spring sale on Amazon to celebrate spring! For the month of April enjoy these lower prices!