My guest tonight is James Durham III, friends call him Jimmy Jam. He had done many different jobs, but his main focus has been in real estate property management, specifically apartments. Talking to people, helping people get a good place to live and just helping people in general, has always been something he likes to do. He never sits still always working, working out, having fun, and being positive no matter what, for negativity is poison. We have all been granted a ravishing life thanks to God. We are all truly rich because it is filled with things that are worth more than money and shine brighter than any diamonds…Supportive family, friends that become family, our animals & the author of heaven, supply a beautiful world & equisite life!
The last thing you will ever think about is a TBI, but once you get one then it will be the first thing you think of, so lets finally end the silence. See on Facebook TBIOneLove & also James “Jimmy Jam” Durham at
Love the life you live and that life will love you right back. He’s anxious to have your stories added to TBI One Love Family Tree!