TBI, PTSD, and Hormone Dysfunction Syndrome

Dr. Gordon has been a strong advocate of Integrative Medicine and the promotion of preventive medicine thought to correct underlying hormonal deficiencies. He was instrumental in promoting the recognition of Traumatic Brain Injury as a cause of hormonal deficiency in the hallmarked presentation on ESPN’s Outside the Lines (Jan. 2007). His book, The Clinical Application of Interventional Medicine (2008), is recognized by his peers as a primer for the standards of care and assessment for interventional endocrinology. As Medical Director of CBS Studios, he has participated on projects with HBO, ESPN, CNN, FOX, Good Morning, the Dr Drew Show, and a number of international programs. His list of academic credentials is lengthy and will be provided in the intro. Dr. Gordon works with veterans groups providing full and partial funding for those with injuries received while in the theater of war. Dr. Gordon is owner and Medical Director of Millennium-TBI Network, located in Encino California. See www.tbimedlegal.com and www.millenniumhealthcenters.com

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