Merry Christmas …

We hope you’ve all enjoyed your holiday season, and that you topped it off with the Merriest Christmas you could muster. We hope you found joy, peace and gratitude in your day.

There are new 4th Thursday of each month hosts starting for the new year, but we covered and are covering for them back on Thanksgiving, and this Christmas night. The old salts who believe we should leave the lights on for the compromised in need/want…Live, not Memorex at times like these! None of us are alone.

Call in and share YOUR reflections of this holiday season. How did it compare to others? Where was YOUR head in the game? Was your Christmas Merry? Did you give or receive something special or memorable? Did you feel sad, happy or a combination of both?

One person with a dream come true is a past guest of mine from a Special Saturday Edition show on October 25th called Knock Out. My guest Tim, was anxiously awaiting the release of his book and website for Life Interrupted: The Tim Bransfield Story. Tim’s Christmas was Merry with the launch of Check out his site, and our October interview!

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