My guest tonight is Dr. Robert Kuvent, who spent his career as an accomplished foot and ankle surgeon. He’s served in at least nine Podiatric professional affiliations, and held positions in sixteen varied service organizations. To say he was a “Type A” personality, with an exceptionally busy life is an understatement. Then things changed, when his life was turned upside down with a disconcerting diagnosis. PD, like most other disabling conditions, not only takes a toll on the patient…But their family as well.
Dr. Kuvent will be the host of a program called “Shaken Not Stirred” about PD, in our new line up of two hour programs starting in August. He will be on every other Wednesday night to help raise awareness and hope for those whose lives have been touched by Parkinson’s.
Most sources now acknowledge that PD can become a long term effect of people who have suffered previous brain trauma, like the CDC and NIH.