Conquering Concussion and Addressing PTSD

Dr. Mary Lee Esty and Carol Shifflett address both Concussion & PTSD in their award-winning book: Conquering Concussion: Healing TBI Symptoms With Neurofeedback and Without Drugs. Winner of the Non-Fiction Writers Association Gold Award, Star reviews by Blue Ink Review. Named by Kirkus Reviews as one of 12 Best Edifying Non-Fiction Books (Indie) and one of 100 Best Books of 2014.

Mary Lee Esty, LCSW-C, Ph.D., is a licensed social worker with a Ph.D in health psychology. She is a Senior Fellowin Biofeedback and Neurotherapy with the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA). Case histories in Conquering Concussion are drawn from her 20+ years of clinical experience and research.

Carol Shifflett is a science and technical writer with a background in earth sciences, physiology, sports and martial arts. Her other books include • Migraine B rains and Bodies: A Comprehensive Guide to Solving the Mystery of Your Migraines, Ki in Aikido, & Aikido Exercises for Teaching and Training.

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