The Fall That was a Game Changer

Kathleen Bartl lived her life prior to THE FALL as a career woman in the food industry for 22 years. She was working as a Corporate Business Engineer, when a horse accident caused a severe closed head Traumatic Brain Injury in 1996. Waking six weeks into her coma, a long arduous climb to recovery began.

Kathleen became a Motivational Speaker, a guest speaker at the Brain Injury Conference for Families and Professionals, an author, and is involved in many other acts of advocacy. Her goal is to reach TBI survivors and help them understand that their recovery efforts must continue for every day and year they are alive.

The author has penned a Memoir taking the reader through her hard but motivating journey of progress toward a recovery that can be valued. Animals are the author’s greatest love, and have become an integral part of most of her independent recovery therapies.


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