Dr. Stephen Larsen funded Stone Mountain Center in 1989.. After twenty years of seeing biofeedback enhance quality of life for the college students he taught, Dr. Larsen decided to bring its healing and optimizing influence to his psychotherapy practice. The results were so positive that in 1996 he retired from his psychology professorship and went into full time clinical practice and writing. In the twelve years since then, his practice has grown exponentially with a satellite office in New York City, and several affiliates in the Hudson Valley of New York. Now incorporated as Stone Mountain, PC, the center treats a wide variety of patients with CNS problems: anxiety and depression, brain injury and trauma, attention and learning problems and sleep disorders.Through the not-for profit Center for Symbolic Studies, which sponsors personal growth seminars and educational projects, SMC also conducts trainings for professionals who wish to learn the LENS form of neurofeedback. See stonemountaincenter.com