Austin’s Story…Don’t Text and Drive…

Julie Breitenstein speaks on her son Austin’s behalf, due to the severity of his TBI. Austin was in a Texting and Driving Crash. He sustained multiple injuries, the worst was his Traumatic Brain Injury. They’ve lived this nightmare for 5 years now, and are blessed he survived. Julie and Austin have been speaking around the country on the consequences of texting and driving.

No matter the Text, it’s not worth someone’s life or injury. If you must take a phone call or answer a text, don’t pull over on the shoulder of the highway, move your vehicle completely out of other vehicles line of vision. Officers are putting their lives on the line to keep you safe. Data shows people are drawn to the flashing lights.

Think about this; your distracted or your texting and driving, you hit a vehicle, and you severely injure someone else, yourself, or cause a fatality. Those are people in those cars; sons and daughters, parents and grandparents, friends and neighbors. When you create a health and possible life and death situation from a message you think can’t wait. Think again.

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