Moving is Hell…Up, Down, Over or Under…It’s About Change

Whether you’re in the process of changing houses, which I am, or changing your life: WAIT, those two resemble each other…It will involve work, action, confusion, exhaustion and the advent of yet another “process.” No rest for the weary, right?

Call in and talk about your changes tonight, or you’ll be hearing about some of mine, and listening to some great Indy music. When I’m the Saturday host during this stretch…It’s a laid back, you share kinda night. I am beat up!

My regular, only “official” Wednesday show has been having some dynamite guests, and the next few weeks, more of the same are booked. Saturdays? We kick back and play more casual, although I must say, last Saturday turned out to be a great and thoughtful exchange. You just never know.

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