Simon Says: Pain and the Brain

Simon and I normally do our show on the LAST WEDNESDAY of each month .. However this time, we’re going to kick off the new month & recognize our Independence .. Before and After Brain Injury. I was sick last week, so we deferred to now. Thanks Simon 🙂 Over the evolution of brain injury and the study of pain, in recent years old original assumptions have shifted. It used to be said that the brain didn’t feel pain. Now science is recognizing that the brain has connections to issues of chronic pain, that loop back to specific parts of the brain. One such discovery comes by the name of Central Sensitization, or Central Sensitivity Syndromes. Our brain injuries can and do alter our central nervous system, and cause a convergence of chronic pain conditions, adding to our original BI residuals. We are not Dr’s, only survivors who crack the books and pass on information of interest, that hopefully you find helpful.

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