Tao Healing with Dr & Master Sha

Tao Grandmaster, spiritual teacher, and eleven-time New York Times bestselling author, Dr. and Master Sha now has a new book entitled Tao Calligraphy to Healand Rejuvenate Your Back that clearly presents profound Tao wisdom and teachings, and a special chapter that includes Tao Calligraphies, and access to videos that are specifically focused on healing and rejuvenating the back. See: drsha.com This new book is the first in a series that will offer help in removing the rootcauses of specific physical and psychological issues and support for living a healthier and happier life. From depression and anxiety, anger, grief, and fear to knee pain, shoulder pain, kidneys, and immunity, the series will cover a wide range of conditions. As a doctor of Western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and a grandmaster of several Eastern arts, Master Sha shares ancient wisdom, universal laws, and simple but powerful practices to remove blockages that prevent people from healing and flourishing in life. We’ll open with Happy Birthday to Michael Ciafone & hear about his Award! Second hour with MN Matt sharing the horror, struggle & grace of his recent accident, severe injury & recovery path.

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