Simon Says: Reimagining and Renewal

The new catch phrase has been “reimagining” this past year, better known as looking at something differently. Creating change to implement to the new vision. Sometimes we do that for ourselves, and others, people who think they know better, impose those changes for us. In the case of brain injury, we have a little of both. Those in-the-know often demonstrate the extent of their cluelessness, while others in concert with us help effect new changes that enhance our lives. Here we are at a place of new beginnings, growth, renewal, life springing forth after a dormant winter. The colors are brighter (or at least the promise), the birds out singing again, and the warmth replaces the brittle cold. What will we be doing to refresh, renew, grow, and reimagine this spring? ** Also breaking/current news on the COVID Vaccine!! Its been confusing, so we hope to untangle some confusion! This show is a gathering place for anyone seeking recovery from the challenges of life on life’s terms. We discuss useful tools that have helped us lighten the load, of our journey through recovery.

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