Thomas Dahlborg is many things – Husband, Father, Doggy Dad, Advocate, Author, Speaker and More. When Tom penned From Heart to Head & Back Again: .. A Journey Through the Healthcare System (Just Released in fall 2020), he had no idea he would be on the other side of the healthcare system in just a few short months. From developing “health caring” planning, to experiencing the reality of being a patient, was enough to lead his thoughts on the subject, to a place they hadn’t been. New perspectives, different side of the coin. Dahlborg is President of HealthCARING Leadership Group, LLC (DHLG) – Transforming healthcare to healthCARING. “It will take Heartchange to achieve healthCARING. Bringing relationship, compassion, and servant leadership back into healthcare as we all seek to improve quality, safety, and outcomes for our patients, families, and communities.” Tom will be with us the first hour of the show. In the second hour, feel free to call and share your hospital experience, or lack thereof in this challenging time which COVID has pressed the already tough limits.