Social isolation, major losses and the extreme disruption to life caused by the pandemic result in increased levels of stress hormones and various intense emotions including sadness, fear, worry, anxiety, hopelessness, loneliness, and depression. But worse, this rush of emotional turmoil is keeping people awake at night, which, in turn, suppresses your immune system, making you even more susceptible to the virus. Dr. Patrick Wanis is a renowned Human Behavior Expert, who has appeared on news outlets CNN, BBC, Fox News & MSNBC and is recognized for his Subconscious Rapid TransformationTechnique. He’ll talk to us about things we can do to ease back into peace of mind. Chris Burres is a scientific researcher who has pioneered the use of an astonishing molecule called ESS60 that has some amazing properties, which include enhancing sleep and boosting immunity. He’s here to relate the shocking story of how this molecule’s abilities were discovered by a Nobel Prize team, what role he’s played in its advancement, and what its implications are for human health and longevity. Dr. Wanis and Chris have teamed up here today to bring us new solutions for restoring your state of health and sleep during this challenging time.