Dr. Mark Gordon has been a strong advocate of Integrative and Functional Medicine and the promotion of wellness medicine thought the correction of underlying hormonal deficiencies. He was instrumental in promoting the recognition of Traumatic Brain Injury as a cause of hormonal deficiency in the hallmarked presentation on ESPN’s Outside the Lines in 2007. His book, The Clinical Application of Interventional Medicine, is recognized by his peers as a primer for the standards of care and assessment for Interventional Endocrinology (anti-aging medicine). He has served as Medical Director of CBS Studios, and has also participated on projects with HBO, ESPN, CNN, FOX, Good Morning, and a number of international news programs. In 2014, Dr. Gordon appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience, where the discussion on Traumatic Brain Injury and hormonal dysfunction generated national and international interest. One episode included Jason Hall, the screenwriter for American Sniper and ex-petty officer and Navy Seal Corpsman Matthew Gosney who spoke at length about his blast trauma, gunshot wounds, surgery, depression and 16 different medications that did nothing to prevent his attempted suicide. He shares his experience of being evaluated by Dr. Gordon and starting a hormonal replenishment protocol that lead to his stopping 14 medications within 6 weeks and the resolution of his deep depression.
His book Traumatic Brain Injury – A clinical approach to diagnosis and treatment, was launched along with a workshop attended by an international array of medical specialists seeking advanced training in diagnosis and treatment of TBI. Dr. Gordon continues to work with veteran’s and Active Military groups providing funding for those with injuries received while in the theater of war. Dr. Gordon is owner and Medical Director of Millennium-TBI, in Encino California. See: tbimedlegal.com