A trauma trigger is a psychological stimulus that prompts recall of a previous traumatic experience. The stimulus itself need not be frightening or traumatic and may be only indirectly or superficially reminiscent of an earlier traumatic incident, such as a scent, sight, sound or feeling. Things can be going well, when suddenly we shift emotionally into a darker place, seemingly without warning or control. A Brain Injury is a Traumatic Event. Some of us have been diagnosed with PTSD post injury, some heal to their threshold and are never bothered emotionally again. Some are a composite of both. At the time of the Anniversary of Our Injury (mine is today), triggers can elicit a variety of emotions. Some years are soley a celebration of gratitude and life, while others, “triggers” can take us back to the place that defined our future carved in isolation and pain. Join me and offer your experience, as I offer mine and some facts to define.