Beautifully Broken -Through Eyes of Caregiver

Rebecca Kozowyk says, “I believe that the loved ones of TBI survivors are survivors too because TBI affects not only the survivor but those who love that person as well. And there is not one aspect of our lives that it does not have an impact on.

It is important for the TBI survivor and loved ones to grieve what was lost. I lost count of how many people said to me, “You should just be glad your son is alive.” Of course I was glad my son was alive, but I still had the right to grieve what had been lost. My son needed to grieve too.

I’ve also learned that we must become strong advocates for our loved ones with TBI. Unfortunately, there are ignorant and even cruel people who say and do very hurtful things. Many times my gut reaction was to become angry and defensive. Over time I realized that the best way to handle these situations is with patience and understanding. We must try to help educate others about the long-term effects of traumatic brain injury. It is truly impossible to understand unless one has experienced it.”

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