The Emotional Brain Trainer

Cynthia Lackner, MA is a psychotherapist in private practice who works one-on-one with people on the phone and on Skype. She specializes in Emotional Brain Training, an evidence based program that pairs neuroscience with skills and tools. EBT teaches a person to rewire the brain to diminish anger, sadness, fear in 3-6 sessions.

90% of all human suffering and disease is now caused by stress. 3 out of 4 visits to the doctor are stress related. Ms. Lackner addresses brain injuries, addictions, relationship issues, burnout, anxiety, depression, and emotional eating. Stress is an underlying component to all of these issues.

In addition to being a therapist, she has created and co-produced a documentary for PBS addressing dating violence called “Respect Me.” This documentary was submitted for an EMMY. Cynthia has worked extensively with both male and female domestic abuse victims.

Cynthia teaches others how to have a life full of possibilities, even with brain injuries. Contact:

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