Golden Hour of Treatment

In 1982 on his way home from a library near Norfolk Virginia, Marty Salo was struck by a car. He was the number 6 passenger “hot load” on the nightingale Aeromedical transport/ambulance service. “That illustrated the true effectiveness of the golden hour for treatment”, he’s since heard from several physicians. He spent around 10-13 days as a 1-1-1 on the Glascow Coma Scale. By day 49, he was still not resolved, but was far enough along that his parents brought him home. His Mom and many of her friends are nurses, who treated him at home along the way. Marty had tutoring by a 5th grade Catholic School Teacher, and eventually matriculated. Now working at a local hospital, he has been declared a miracle for professionals who hear his story. Marty sees it as being a testament to the power of perseverance and continuing forward on the journey.

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