Dr. Diane Roberts Stoler, Ed.D. is a Neuropsychologist, Board Certified Health Psychologist, Board Certified Sports Psychologist, and Trauma Therapist with over 35 years experience. In 1990, Dr. Diane had a stroke while driving her car, resulting in a 60 mph head-on auto accident. She has since undergone brain surgery, and sustained two more concussions. From her experience and expertise, Dr. Diane wrote Coping with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, the first comprehensive guide to brain trauma and its hidden effects. Due out November 5th, but now available for preorder, is her new book Coping with Concussion and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, which includes information on sports and blast injuries. Dr. Diane’s experiences have led her to devote her clinical practice, writings and personal appearances to helping organizations and individuals overcome life’s obstacles and achieve their goals. www.drdiane.com