Olympic Hopeful Now a Champion Overcomer

Kimberly is a former Olympic hopeful in the sport of equestrian show jumping, and current award-winning speaker, author, and “Champion-Overcomer.” Her insightful observations and compelling “outside the box,” proven success strategies are perceptively demonstrated through a unique and engaging presentation featuring her amazing story; which has been featured on TV, film, magazines, and in Kimberly’s books. Her valuable insights can only come from someone who’s nearly lost their life–and scratched and clawed their way back to success. Kimberly’s amazing life journey has presented seemingly “impossible” challenges. This former athlete has taken the word “impossible” out of her vocabulary and formulated proven success strategies that enabled her to become a Champion-Overcomer! See more at: www.speakerkimberlycarnevale.com

In 1998 her Olympic dream was cut short due to an accident that left her with brain injury. A series of other tragic events ensued in the following years, that further threatened her life.

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